Half-circle skirt for my princes in no time, you can do it yourself, we want to try together?
In the first post we talked beck 50 years with is beatiful full-circle skirt and hal-circle skirt, and other. I'm going to talk later.
The difference between a model i the other isamplitude and wave that we want, from skirt wide and full of waves, the half wheel lesswaves and amplitude, all very feminine.
I convinced? look, I think it is a skirt for all, combined with a bodice becomes a spectacular outfit armholes:
http://www.larmadiodilorella.it/portfoliocreazioniarmadiodilorella.html# |
As in the full-cicle skirt, we can the pattern directly on the fabric, if we want to do it on paper from templates.
We need three emasurements, the length of the skirt, the waist circumference and hipcircumference: the skirt I made have elastic waist, without any hinge, to wear musnecessarily take into consideration as reference, measure the widest circumference, corresponding to the hip circumference.
The waist circumference to calcurate how much elastic it needs.
Divide the circumference by Pi ∏ flanck, in our case 80 cm : 3,14 = 25,47 (round up 25,5 cm) the measure we get is the diameter of our pattern (AC).
On the fabric folded into two do square far wide for the total desidered diameter + skirt length (cm 40 + cm 25,5 = 65,5) AB.
From point A, pivoting toward the point B is the diameter (25,5) (C) until you get to the other side of the square (center front), join the oints form a semicircle, from this point are the skirt length (40) oint B.
Before cutting the fabric, add the margins for the seam and hem. Done!
A tip for the package when we sew straight wire fabrics using the straight stich (stich picture right) for bias fabrics use the point for stretch fabrics (stitched picture left) consult the manual of your sewing machine.
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