The Lovely Sewing - english -

Sew, be recycled, adapt, patterns and their adjustments

Full skirt-cicle

This year have been all the rage the wheel skirts, half wheel, some 50 years old style. There is in Italy, in the first week of August, where he revives the 1950Senigallia in the province of Ancona, every year, for seven days we dive into the past in SUMMER JAMBOREE

looking at these pictures seem to be in the past, thank you for the photos a person dear to me, who kindly allowed me to use them, you can admire her talent here.
Vi piace la matematica? Se vi piace cucire dovete amarla, la confezione, i cartamodelli, si basano sulla matematica e sulla geometria, vediamo come utlizzarla nella modellistica.
Per realizzare una gonna a ruota dovete applicare la formula che si utilizzava a scuola per trovare la misura del raggio di un cerchio, non la ricordate? la formula è circonferenza:6,14. 

Do you like mathematics? If you like to sew, you love it, the packaging, the patterns are based on mathematics and geometry, let's see how utlizzarla in modelling.
To make a full-circle skirt you have to apply the formula you used at school to find the measurement of the radius of a circle, not remember? the formula is circumference: 6.14

We can make the template directly on the fabric, or do the pattern pieces. We need two sizes, the waist and the skirt length.
Divide your waist circumference with 6.14, get the RADIUS. 
On paper we have a rectangle off twice the length skirt + two times the RADIUS (A-B), we score the center of this measure (A). This point will serve as a PIN (A) in order to draw the half circle of waist circumference and length skirt, see image (B-C).
After doing the design, cut and place the pattern pieces on the fabric folded in half for the length. 
Add the hem and the fabric for the seam at the waist.
Next to the box and the various uses.
In the L'Atelier du Fantastique Blog you can read the story of the birth of the full-circle skirt and tips on how to wear it. Good read.

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